Publications using MPSKit
Below you can find a list of publications that have made use of MPSKit. If you have used this package and wish to have your publication added to this list, please open a pull request or an issue on the GitHub repository.
- Capponi, S.; Devos, L.; Lecheminant, P.; Totsuka, K. and Vanderstraeten, L. (2025). Non-Landau Quantum Phase Transition in Modulated SU($N$) Heisenberg Spin Chains. Physical Review B 111, L020404.
- Mortier, Q.; Devos, L.; Burgelman, L.; Vanhecke, B.; Bultinck, N.; Verstraete, F.; Haegeman, J. and Vanderstraeten, L. (2025). Fermionic Tensor Network Methods. SciPost Physics 18, 012.
- Belyansky, R.; Whitsitt, S.; Mueller, N.; Fahimniya, A.; Bennewitz, E. R.; Davoudi, Z. and Gorshkov, A. V. (2024). High-Energy Collision of Quarks and Mesons in the Schwinger Model: From Tensor Networks to Circuit QED. Physical Review Letters 132, 091903.
- Crotti, S.; Barthel, T. and Braunstein, A. (2024). Nonequilibrium Steady-State Dynamics of Markov Processes on Graphs, arXiv.2411.19100, arXiv:2411.19100 [cond-mat].
- Rogerson, D. and Roy, A. (2024). Quantum Circuit Optimization Using Differentiable Programming of Tensor Network States, arXiv:2408.12583, arXiv:2408.12583 [quant-ph].
- Ueda, A.; Inamura, K. and Ohmori, K. (2024). Chiral Edge States Emerging on Anyon-Net, arXiv:2408.02724, arXiv:2408.02724 [cond-mat].
- Zhang, Y.; Hulsch, A.; Zhang, H.-C.; Tang, W.; Wang, L. and Tu, H.-H. (2023). Universal Scaling of Klein Bottle Entropy near Conformal Critical Points. Physical Review Letters 130, 151602.
- Devos, L.; Vanderstraeten, L. and Verstraete, F. (2022). Haldane Gap in the SU(3) [3 0 0] Heisenberg Chain. Physical Review B 106, 155103.
- Halimeh, J. C.; Damme, M. V.; Zache, T. V.; Banerjee, D. and Hauke, P. (2022). Achieving the Quantum Field Theory Limit in Far-from-Equilibrium Quantum Link Models. Quantum 6, 878.
- Roose, G.; Haegeman, J.; Van Acoleyen, K.; Vanderstraeten, L. and Bultinck, N. (2022). The Chiral Gross-Neveu Model on the Lattice via a Landau-forbidden Phase Transition. Journal of High Energy Physics 2022, 19.
- Van Damme, M.; Zache, T. V.; Banerjee, D.; Hauke, P. and Halimeh, J. C. (2022). Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions in Spin-$S U(1)$ Quantum Link Models. Physical Review B 106, 245110.
- Vanhove, R.; Lootens, L.; Van Damme, M.; Wolf, R.; Osborne, T. J.; Haegeman, J. and Verstraete, F. (2022). Critical Lattice Model for a Haagerup Conformal Field Theory. Physical Review Letters 128, 231602.
- Halimeh, J. C.; Trapin, D.; Van Damme, M. and Heyl, M. (2021). Local Measures of Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions. Physical Review B 104, 075130.
- Hauru, M.; Van Damme, M. and Haegeman, J. (2021). Riemannian Optimization of Isometric Tensor Networks. SciPost Physics 10, 040.
- Roose, G.; Bultinck, N.; Vanderstraeten, L.; Verstraete, F.; Van Acoleyen, K. and Haegeman, J. (2021). Lattice Regularisation and Entanglement Structure of the Gross-Neveu Model. Journal of High Energy Physics 2021, 207.
- Van Damme, M.; Vanhove, R.; Haegeman, J.; Verstraete, F. and Vanderstraeten, L. (2021). Efficient Matrix Product State Methods for Extracting Spectral Information on Rings and Cylinders. Physical Review B 104, 115142.
- Yu, C. and Lee, J.-W. (2021). Closing of the Haldane Gap in a Spin-1 XXZ Chain. Journal of the Korean Physical Society 79, 841–845.
- Roose, G.; Vanderstraeten, L.; Haegeman, J. and Bultinck, N. (2019). Anomalous Domain Wall Condensation in a Modified Ising Chain. Physical Review B 99, 195132.
Full list of references
- Chepiga, N. and Mila, F. (2017). Excitation Spectrum and Density Matrix Renormalization Group Iterations. Physical Review B 96, 054425.
- Haegeman, J.; Cirac, J. I.; Osborne, T. J.; Pižorn, I.; Verschelde, H. and Verstraete, F. (2011). Time-Dependent Variational Principle for Quantum Lattices. Physical Review Letters 107, 070601.
- Haegeman, J.; Michalakis, S.; Nachtergaele, B.; Osborne, T. J.; Schuch, N. and Verstraete, F. (2013). Elementary Excitations in Gapped Quantum Spin Systems. Physical Review Letters 111, 080401.
- Jeckelmann, E. (2002). Dynamical Density-Matrix Renormalization-Group Method. Physical Review B 66, 045114.
- Paeckel, S.; Köhler, T.; Swoboda, A.; Manmana, S. R.; Schollwöck, U. and Hubig, C. (2019). Time-Evolution Methods for Matrix-Product States. Annals of Physics 411, 167998.
- Pollmann, F.; Mukerjee, S.; Turner, A. M. and Moore, J. E. (2009). Theory of Finite-Entanglement Scaling at One-Dimensional Quantum Critical Points. Physical Review Letters 102, 255701.
- Van Damme, M.; Haegeman, J.; McCulloch, I. and Vanderstraeten, L. (2024). Efficient Higher-Order Matrix Product Operators for Time Evolution. SciPost Physics 17, 135.
- Vanderstraeten, L.; Haegeman, J. and Verstraete, F. (2019). Tangent-Space Methods for Uniform Matrix Product States. SciPost Physics Lecture Notes, 7.
- Vanhecke, B.; Van Damme, M.; Haegeman, J.; Vanderstraeten, L. and Verstraete, F. (2021). Tangent-Space Methods for Truncating Uniform MPS. SciPost Physics Core 4, 004.
- Zaletel, M. P.; Mong, R. S.; Karrasch, C.; Moore, J. E. and Pollmann, F. (2015). Time-Evolving a Matrix Product State with Long-Ranged Interactions. Physical Review B 91, 165112.
- Zauner-Stauber, V.; Vanderstraeten, L.; Fishman, M. T.; Verstraete, F. and Haegeman, J. (2018). Variational Optimization Algorithms for Uniform Matrix Product States. Physical Review B 97, 045145.