Parallelism in julia

Julia has great parallelism infrastructure, but there is a caveat that is relevant for all algorithms implemented in MPSKit. The Julia threads do not play nicely together with the BLAS threads, which are the threads used for many of the linear algebra routines, and in particular for gemm (general matrix-matrix multiplication). As this is a core routine in MPSKit, this has a significant impact on the overall performance.

Julia threads vs BLAS threads

A lot of the confusion stems from the fact that the BLAS threading behaviour is not consistent between different vendors. Additionally, performance behaviour is severely dependent on hardware, the specifics of the problem, and the availability of other resources such as total memory, or memory bandwith. This means that there is no one size fits all solution, and that you will have to experiment with the settings to get optimal performance. Nevertheless, there are some general guidelines that can be followed, which seem to at least work well in most cases.

The number of threads that are set by BLAS.set_num_threads(), in the case of OpenBLAS (the default vendor), is equal to the total number of BLAS threads that is kept in a pool, which is then shared by all Julia threads. This means that if you have 4 julia threads and 4 BLAS threads, then all julia threads will share the same 4 BLAS threads. On the other hand, using BLAS.set_num_threads(1), OpenBLAS will now utilize the julia threads to run the BLAS jobs. Thus, for OpenBLAS, very often setting the number of BLAS threads to 1 is the best option, which will then maximally utilize the julia threading infrastructure of MPSKit.

In the case of MKL.jl, which often outperforms OpenBLAS, the situation is a bit different. Here, the number of BLAS threads corresponds to the number of threads that are spawned by each julia thread. Thus, if you have 4 julia threads and 4 BLAS threads, then each julia thread will spawn 4 BLAS threads, for a total of 16 BLAS threads. As such, it might become necessary to adapt the settings to avoid oversubscription of the cores.

A careful analysis of the different cases and benefits can be inspected by making use of ThreadPinning.jl's tool threadinfo(; blas=true, info=true). In particular, the following might demonstrate the difference between OpenBLAS and MKL:

julia> Threads.nthreads()

julia> using ThreadPinning; threadinfo(; blas=true, hints=true)

System: 8 cores (2-way SMT), 1 sockets, 1 NUMA domains

| 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 | 

# = Julia thread, # = HT, # = Julia thread on HT, | = Socket seperator

Julia threads: 4
├ Occupied CPU-threads: 4
└ Mapping (Thread => CPUID): 1 => 8, 2 => 5, 3 => 9, 4 => 2,

└ openblas_get_num_threads: 8

[ Info: jlthreads != 1 && blasthreads < cputhreads. You should either set BLAS.set_num_threads(1) (recommended!) or at least BLAS.set_num_threads(16).
[ Info: jlthreads < cputhreads. Perhaps increase number of Julia threads to 16?
julia> using MKL; threadinfo(; blas=true, hints=true)

System: 8 cores (2-way SMT), 1 sockets, 1 NUMA domains

| 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 | 

# = Julia thread, # = HT, # = Julia thread on HT, | = Socket seperator

Julia threads: 4
├ Occupied CPU-threads: 4
└ Mapping (Thread => CPUID): 1 => 11, 2 => 12, 3 => 1, 4 => 2,

├ mkl_get_num_threads: 8
└ mkl_get_dynamic: true

┌ Warning: blasthreads_per_jlthread > cputhreads_per_jlthread. You should decrease the number of MKL threads, i.e. BLAS.set_num_threads(4).
└ @ ThreadPinning ~/.julia/packages/ThreadPinning/qV2Cd/src/threadinfo.jl:256
[ Info: jlthreads < cputhreads. Perhaps increase number of Julia threads to 16?

MPSKit multithreading

Within MPSKit, when Julia is started with multiple threads, by default the OhMyThreads.jl machinery will be used to parallelize the code as much as possible. In particular, this mostly occurs whenever there is a unitcell and local updates can take place at each site in parallel.

The multithreading behaviour can be controlled through a global scheduler, which can be set using the MPSKit.Defaults.set_scheduler!(arg; kwargs...) function. This function accepts either a Symbol, an OhMyThreads.Scheduler or keywords to determine a scheduler automatically.

MPSKit.Defaults.set_scheduler!(:serial) # disable multithreading
MPSKit.Defaults.set_scheduler!(:greedy) # multithreading with greedy load-balancing
MPSKit.Defaults.set_scheduler!(:dynamic) # default: multithreading with some load-balancing

For further reference on the available schedulers and finer control, please refer to the OhMyThreads.jl documentation

TensorKit multithreading

Finally, when dealing with tensors that have some internal symmetry, it is also possible to parallelize over the symmetry sectors. This is handled by TensorKit, and more information can be found in its documentation (Soon TM).

Memory management

Because of the way julia threads work, it is possible that the total memory usage of your program becomes rather high. This seems to be because of the fact that MPSKit spawns several tasks (in a nested way), which each allocate and deallocate quite a bit of memory in a tight loop. This seems to lead to a situation where the garbage collector is not able to keep up, and can even fail to clear the garbage before an OutOfMemory error occurs. In this case, often the best thing to do is disable the multithreading of MPSKit, specifically for the derivatives, as this seems to be the most memory intensive part. This is something that is under investigation, and hopefully will be fixed in the future.